Potential future features include searching through PDFs, MP3s, ZIPs, RARs, and more.ĪstroGrep has been around since 2006 and continues to receive regular updates. You can designate which file types to search, view file contents within AstroGrep itself, and save or print results for later. It does the same thing-finds files that match your search query by content rather than file name-but is slightly less advanced and easier to use. AstroGrepĪstroGrep is a great alternative to grepWin in case the latter doesn’t fit your fancy for whatever reasons. So the next time you need to search for a specific line of code or a specific line of documentation, this will cut your search time by orders of magnitude. If you’ve ever used Linux, it’s basically the “grep” command ( one of the essential Linux commands to know) but designed for Windows and comes with a nifty interface. With it, you can search through any directory tree and it will find files by matching contents with your search query (regular expression are supported).
grepWinīack when I was a serious programmer, grepWin was one of the most useful tools I had at my disposal. But even with Listary Free, you get a lot of power and flexibility. Some of its best features require Listary Pro, which is $20.